Dan Rosanova asked a great question on the MSDN forums – Does the BizTalk SharePoint Services Adapter work with SharePoint 2010?
I asked Microsoft and on other mailing lists and the answer came from none other than the SharePoint and BizTalk super MVP Mick Badran:
Yes the adapter will work.
You need to make sure the adapter is configured on the bts side successfully (manual config here: http://blogs.breezetraining.com.au/mickb/2009/11/02/BizTalk2009ConfiguringTheSharePointAdapterManually.aspx)
Grab the existing WSSv3 Adapter WS and copy it to the SP2010 environment.
The trick is to add an entry into the Rebinding section of the WebService Web.config
Something like:
OldVersion= NewVersion=
This tells .NET that when the WS is looking for v11 of the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll (v11) use Microsoft.SharePoint.dll (v14)
The SP2010 APIs are ‘mostly’ backwards compatible, certainly around SPLists and SPListItems they are.
On your way,
Good stuff!
Sharepoint 2010 will be supported with BizTalk Server 2009 R2.