ACSUG meeting with Ron Jacobs
Ron Jacobs is a legend He spent a little less than a week over here in New Zealand and presented at four meetings or more every day When it came to closing it
BizTalk WCF Adapter Pack Articles on
Richard Seroter has finished writing his articles on TopXMLcom about BizTalk and WCF He goes into a lot of detail on all that can be done with the WCF
Test a BizTalk orchestration exposed as a SOAP web service using a WCF Port
So you have an orchestration that has been exposed as a web service using BizTalk's Web Publishing Wizard It created the proxy files, the virtual directory
LoadGen 2007 and a Simple BizTalk WCF Test
A quiet release by Microsoft this month was the new version of its free BizTalk performance and stress test tool - Microsoft BizTalk LoadGen 2007 Come to