Ron Jacobs is a legend. He spent a little less than a week over here in New Zealand and presented at four meetings or more every day. When it came to closing it with a golden key 🙂 by presenting at the inaugural Auckland Connected Systems User Group meeting he was as active and enthusiastic as ever. As he pointed out the “V” energy drink also helped! And all this was after doing a similar tour around Australia.
His talk was on creating and consuming RESTful Web Services with WCF. As a lot of you know REST is an emerging architecture for exposing services over the Web that takes advantage of the features of the original HTTP protocol like caching, stateless services and easy requests (even notepad can call them). It is perfect for high user load and is being used by big names like Flickr, Yahoo, Google amongst others. I will be posting a few of my notes in my next post.
Thanks to all that attended, the meeting was a success (and congratulations to those that won the two games drawn at the end of the meeting!). The meeting slides can be found on the meeting page under attachments, and the sample code are on Ron’s blog. We will upload some pictures taken during the meeting in the coming week and put them on the photo galleries page of the user group website.
I’d like to thank Darryl Burling for noticing that the user group and Ron’s dates coincided and making it happen, and Mark Carroll for hosting Ron while he was over in New Zealand and helping me with setting up the meeting.
If you are in Auckland this coming week make sure you come to the Ellerslie .NET User Group meeting on Wednesday 28 May to see Alex Henderson present on the REST in .NET topic. It will be valuable for those that came to the ACSUG meeting to really understand the subject and an opportunity to learn it for those that couldn’t make it to Ron’s talk. Don’t forget to register by following the link on the user group website.