MBVQueryBuilder and BizTalk Message Body Tracking Count queries

Posted: April 30, 2009  |  Categories: BizTalk Uncategorized

(link to new extension file at the bottom of the post)

Jean-Pierre Auconie (JP) , the creator of the Message Box Viewer tool for BizTalk, has released a supporting tool called the Message Box Viewer Query Builder. JP has also posted a quick help about the tool. On a previous post I went over how to extend the message box viewer tool version 10 with your own custom queries and provided a file for the five queries I created with message body tracking counts.

This new tool allows you to generate several kinds of custom queries to be run against a BizTalk environment when the MsgBoxViewer tool is run. You can:

  • Create SQL, general and BizTalk specific WMI queries
  • Run CMD, BAT, and VBS code
  • Run a custom method provided by a DLL you create

Since the release of the query builder the with the latest version of MsgBoxViewer the structure of the extension XML file generated has changed, so I’ve recreated my message tracking queries xml using the Query Builder tool (link at the bottom of the post).

Here are the steps I followed to create the new extension file:

First extract the zip file and then run MBVQueryBuilder.exe

Click the blue ‘Add’ button and the tool will ask you for the name of the XML file that will hold your queries. I called it ThiagoTrackingQueriesRepository.XML

Edit the Caption, Source, Comment, Category, Target Type, and Body properties to reflect my message body tracking queries (clicking the Add button for each new SQL Query):


Clicking the ‘Test Checked Queries’ will run MessageBoxViewer with only your queries for you to validate that the queries are running correctly and show you the HTML with the results for them at the end. Lastly, click the ‘Export to Query Extension File’ to generate my file.

Now, as per my previous post,  copy the created file to the same folder as the MessageBoxViewer executable. This will give you new tabs with the categories you entered in the query builder (mine is called ‘Message Body Tracking Counts’).


Upon running the collection you will get the queries in their own category results in the resulting XML:



You can run the Message Box Viewer tool periodically, or even have it automatically send emails with the results, to ensure your BizTalk system is following all the best practices checked by the tool and your custom queries built with the Query Builder.

You can download the new extension file with the message body tracking queries below:


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