There is a new Microsoft support article “TCP settings that can impact BizTalk Server” released a couple of days ago that combines previously released information from several sources on what TCP registry settings could impact a BizTalk system:
Three existing support articles have also been reviewed and updated to include BizTalk 2009:
You experience blocking, deadlock conditions, or other SQL Server issues when you try to connect to the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database in BizTalk Server
Description of the SQL Server Agent jobs in BizTalk Server – Includes the new Rules_Database_Cleanup_BizTalkRuleEngineDb job introduced in BizTalk 2009
You receive a "TDDS failed to read from source database." error message in the application log of a computer that is running BizTalk Server
There’s also a new hotfix for BizTalk 2004 and 2006 R2 regarding rules engine purging:
FIX: The rules engine tables are not being purged when you use BizTalk Server