Auckland Connected Systems User Group
Building SOA With Microsoft Technology
Ulrich Roxburgh
Ulrich Roxburgh has worked for Microsoft Consulting Services for 9 ½ years, in various capacities ranging from Senior Consultant to Managing Consultant, in both New Zealand and Australia. He now works as the main consultant for Services2 Ltd. providing premium consultancy services in the areas of enterprise architecture, solution architecture and implementation services.
His Building SOA with Microsoft Technology talk will show that building a SOA for an enterprise is more than just writing a bunch of Web Services. This talk examines the various aspects of building enterprise applications which adhere to the tenets of Service Oriented Architecture, and looks at how the implications of building such an application using Microsoft technology. The talk draws on the presenter’s direct experiences with applications developer in Australia for Commonwealth Bank, and locally for Farmers, Tower New Zealand, and other customers.
We will also have the new BizTalk Product Manager in New Zealand Darryl Burling introduce himself to the user group. He wants to know what you would be interested in seeing for the BizTalk 2009 product launch next year.
Free beer and pizza as always. Be in to win a Microsoft wireless laser desktop (keyboard and mouse). This is the second of three meetings you need to attend to enter the draw for the High sierra 8040 processor computer case.
This is one not to be missed so please register (scroll down for registration form)
Location: Datacom
210 Federal Street, Auckland CBD (map)
Parking: On street parking/Sky Tower car park
Date/Time: October 9th, 6:30PM to 8:30PM