Microsoft BizTalk 2006 R2 RFID is starting to gather momentum on the internet. Anush Kumar from the Microsoft team manages a great blog on the subject. His latest post mentions two other blogs that are a “must subscribe to”:
–Kalyan, also from Microsoft RFID, with sample code and in-depth coverage of the technology in BizTalk, and
–Mick from across the Tasman in Australia, who has just posted sample code for the DPL RFID reader.
Another couple of great posts on the subject are Matt Meleski’s “BizTalk R2 RFID and working with a real Reader Device (Phidget)”, and Irvin de la Cruz’s “BizTalk RFID Device Provider (DSPI) for DLP Design Hardware”.
To finish off the list, of course I have to include Microsoft’s dedicated forum on the subject – MSDN BizTalk RFID forum – and Microsoft’s homepage on BizTalk RFID.
Let me know if I missed any!